GUY MURCHIE .1907-07.08.1997

Little has seem to have been on the net about Guy Murchie the past ten years. Ever since I found his book "The Seven Mysteries Of Life" around 1995-97 I have searched A-Lot for more information and have found none. Just his books for sale. And this single picture. How could this interesting guy who wrote a TOME like this on top of a great variety of other impressive personal activities go so unnoticed? Last year during a search attempt I came upon a link to a message in a forum. It was some guy expressing pretty much the same sentiment I am here. He had some info though! An obscure sentence briefly mentioning his death in 1997 in a Harvard something or other. I'll get copies of these soon. Up until then I wasn't even able to find out if he was still alive. And just like that last year I found out he passed away at age 90, right when I was starting to discover him. p.s....I found another pic and a guy who worked with him on the net. More info soon.
Here is the table of contents in detail to help you gain understanding of what the "The Seven Mysteries of Life" by Guy Murchie is all about!

Preface and Acknowledgements/ viii
Prelude/ I

Part One - Body

1. The Animal kingdom / 11

a. The Factors of Size and Gravitation
b. Locomotion
c. Altitude
d. temperature
e. The Elements of Life
f. Light

2. Realm of the Vegetable / 42

a. Roots
b. Leaves
c. Energy
d. Trunks
e. Growth
f. Forms
g. Sizes and Ages
h. Social Life of Trees
i. Special Environs
j. Storage
k. Fungi
l. Lichen
m. Seeds

3. The World of Little / 80

a. Microbe Classification
b. Plankton
c. Dirt
d. Soil Creatures
e. Germs
f. Cells

4. The Body / 109

a. Physical Limits
b. Bones and Muscles
c. Nerves
d. Skin and Breathing
e. Blood
f. Digestion and Elimination
g. Kidneys and Secretions

5. The Complement Called Sex / 126

a. Relativity of Sex
b. Organs
c. Prodigality
d. Vegital Sex
e. Birth
f. Eggs and Incubation
g. Origins of Sex

6. Secret Language of the Gene / 151

a. Heredity's Unit
b. The Organizer
c. Genetic Puzzles
d. The Virus
e. Discovery of the Gene
f. The Secret: DNA
g. The Abstract Aspect

Part Two - Mind

7. Eleven Senses of Radiation and Feeling / 177

a. Sight
b. Optical Illusions
c. The Visibility - Invisibility Sense
d. Radiation Sense
e. Temperature Sense
f. Electromagnetic Sense
g. Hearing
h. The Sonar of Bats
i. Pressure Sense
j. Senses of Touch
k. Sense of Weight and Balance
l. Sense of Weight and Proximity
m. Coriolis Sense

8. Twenty-one Senses of Chemistry, Mind and Spirit / 211

a. Smell
b. Taste
c. The Senses of Hunger and Thirst
d. The Sense of Pain
e. The Sense of Fear
f. The Procreative Sense
g. The Sense of Play and Laughter
h. The Sense of Time
i. The Other Mental Senses
j. The Spiritual Sense
k. Inter Sense Relations
l. Absence of Sense
m. Phosphenes
n. Unsenses
o. The Meaning of Sense

9. Emergence of Mind / 241

a. The First Measure of Mind
b. Mind of an Ant
c. Group Mind of Bees
d. Some other Animal Languages
e. Bird Languages
f. Human Animal Communication

10. The Body - Mind Relation / 258

a. Evolution of the Brain
b. Brain Function
c. Nerve Messages
d. Consciousness
e. The Body - Mind Question

11. Memory, Intelligence and States of Mind / 275

a. Memory
b. Research in Memory
c. Abstract Aspects of Mind
d. Intelligence
e. Human Language
f. Consciousness Divided
g. Sleep
h. Dreams
i. Psychic Dreams
j. Dream Analysis
k. Hypnosis
l. Extrasensory Perception
m. Universality of Mind
Part Three - The Seven Mysteries of Life

12. First Mystery: The Abstract Nature of the Universe / 313

a. What's in an Egg?
b. The Abstract Body
c. Essence of Life
d. Unit of Being
e. Normalcy
f. The Abstraction of Identity
g. Improbability
h. Dimensions
i. Other Obstractions
j. Abstraction in Review

13. Second Mystery: The Interrelatedness of All Creatures /344

a. Cousinhood of Man
b. What is a Race?
c. Cousinhood Beyond Man
d. Interkingdom Relations
e. Domestication
f. And Now Ecology
G. Parasitism

14. Third Mystery: The Omnipresence of Life / 381

a. The Secret Life of Rocks
b. The Living Earth
c. Universal Life
d. The Galaxies and Beyond
e. Omnipresent Life
f. Is there a Nonlife?
g. Mechanism or Vitalism?
h. Essence of Life

15. Life's Analogies on Land, Sea, and Sky / 413

a. Sand Dunes
b. Beaches
c. Islands
d. Glaciers
e. Rivers and Lakes
f. Semi liquid Bodies
g. Life in Storms
h. Fires
i. Lightning
j. Atomic Explosions

16. Doornail and Crystal Essence / 439

a. Metallic "Life"
b. Life in Machines
c. Pseudo - Life
d. Disorder and Order
e. Crystallization
f. The Mystic Inner Life of Crystals
g. Crystal Discontinuity as Seed of Life
h. Crystal Energy
i. Piezo, The Crystal of Life
j. Liquid Crystals

17. Living Geometry and Order / 457

a. The Sphere
b. The Flow in Flowers
c. The Geometry of Life
d. Efficiency Under Pressure
e. Social Geometry
f. The Music of Waves

18. Fourth Mystery: The Polarity Principle / 471

a. Predation
b. Pecking Order
c. Polarity in Evolution
d. Sexual Polarity
e. Polarity of Good And Evil
f. The Boon of Adversity
g. The Paradoxes of Freedom
h. The Tool of Polarity

19. Fifth Mystery: Transcendence / 494

a. Emergent Transcendence
b. Time Transcending
c. Space Transcending
d. Self Transcending
e. Insect Super Organisms
f. Vertebrate Organisms
g. Transcendent Colonialism
h. Transcendent Cells
i. The Natural Law of Cooperation
j. The Transcendence of Consciousness
k. Summery of Transcendence

20. The Change Named Death / 520

a. Can Death Be Defined
b. The Scientific Study of Death
c. Evolution of Death
d. Mortality and Immortality
e. Dying
f. The Afterlife

21. Evolution of Earth / 539

a. Evolution of Evolution
b. How Life Began to Live
c. Reproduction
d. Elements of Life
e. Shape of Evolution's Tree
f. Spiral Geometry and the Origin of Species
g. Variation and Selection
h. The Entropy Factor
i. The Tournament of Evolution
j. Human Evolution
k. Language Evolution
l. Evolution of Mind

22. Sixth Mystery: The Germination of Worlds / 562

a. Human Population Explosions
b. Man's Winning of the Tournament of Evolution
c. Man's Completion of Exploration of His Planet
d. Man's Thousand fold Increase in Speed of Travel
e. His Ten-million fold Speed-up and Outreach in Communication
f. The Explosion of Knowledge
g. The Proliferation of Communication
h. The Rise of Wealth
I. The Liberation of Women, Minorities and Slaves
j. The Universalization of Education
k. The Spread of Standardization
l. The Approach of the Global Language
m. The coming of a World Government
n. Spiritual Evolution
o. Transcendence of Organism Man into Super Organism Mankind

23. The Seventh and Ultimate Mystery: Divinity / 596

a. This Non Random Universe
b. Origins of Spirit
c. Steps in Spiritual Evolution
d. Mystic Relativity
e. The Logic of Mysticism
f. The Divine Hypothesis
g. And Progressive Revelation
h. Science and Religion
i. Spiral Gain of the Universe
j. The Relativity of God
k. Why the World?
l. Evolution of the Impossible
m. The Soul School
n. The Axiomatic Proof

Postlude - The Meaning and the Melody / 631

a. Music of the Spheres
b. Melody of Life
c. Human Harmonics
d. Music of the Atom
e. The Vegetable Serenade
f. Musical Essence of the Universe

Summery - The Seven Mysteries of Life (poems) / 645

Index / 660

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